Selasa, 11 November 2008
But days like this? Questions such as this would often terlontar from you or a friend, relationships, or your partner when they arrived hours. These questions will be met when you are in the Venue "such food", but do not worry, these questions will be answered with certainty menu options in the Foodfezt.
With the concept foodcourt and a garden, where the capacity of 250-300 people once this pillihan menu offers hundreds of 11 stall in this place. Remember that not too close to the road is a plus for guests who crave a place in the generally quiet and eat natural.When entering the restaurant, you will be greeted with warmth waitress who offers a list of the menu in the restaurant that stood since 17 October 2007 this. After ordering the menu, there are strange with the services. I wrote pagehood, is on the order paper, but even issued a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). In fact, sophisticated gadgets that is one of the tools that are used by the waitress Foodfezt in order to serve delegates to more quickly. Ordered list of the delegates will be sent via PDAs to one of the 11 stall it's correct in seconds. Therefore, this is to save time and speed by which the order from the waitress at the same time visitors.
With the system visitors can order with a practical and fast, as well waitress save time and energy because they do not need to submit a list of orders to the stall. While waiting for dishes ready, visitors can take the laptop to enjoy wi-fi service provided by this restaurant.
Currently, Foodfezt have provided at least hundreds of menus from 11 tenant different one to the other in terms of menis and citarasanya. For seafood fans, the menu of Woo Dim Sum if a major choice for you. For the steak, Steak Bakoel you have been waiting with a party that type of steak they said Bondan nyuss mother. In addition, the Fish n Duck, noodle Oncor, Sego Abang, Rice K'boeli, Coto Makassar Daeng Pole, Soup 'n Zupp, until Luzitano (Portuguese Food) is ready to disantap. Special to drink, FoodFest Bar provides a number of options that a special drink more than simply remove the only opposition.To spoil the guests came, the restaurant provides the option canopy area, one floor, two floors and outdoor entertainment will also provide live music for visitors on Saturday and Sunday nights. The atmosphere of the area canopy Foodfezt able to raise the coolness of the visitors. Floors one to bring more warmth for you and your colleagues. Floors two to give the private atmosphere for you and your family. While the outdoor area will provide relaxed atmosphere on the night.
Every day at 10.00-23.00 WIB
Please click here for more menu Foodfezt
- Wi-fi
- Home band (Saturday & Sunday nights)
- Membership
- Parking Area
Tips & Tricks
- Restaurants serving this delivery service for customers located in a radius of 5 km from the once Foodfezt.
- Order not only can be done via telephone at +62-274-3283000, but also through online chat via the Internet
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 5,5 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55281
telp: +62-274-3154321, 3152345, 3283000
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