Selasa, 11 November 2008
For your own lifestyle to enjoy with a cup of coffee each day, Espresso Coffee Shop Bar is the right place. Located on Jl. No Bougenville. 1 Gejayan, seputaran Mataram Ditch, and quite near the center of education, the University of Gadjah Mada and UNY. You can stop at the Coffee Shop after working or studying for a release exhaustion, together with a friend nearby.
Store Coffee Espresso Bar has a unique apart in the process of coffee options to bring the fragrant aroma of coffee and quality. If you like espresso, please try a cup of herb Royal Caramel Cappucinno style Barista Coffee Shop, which experienced. The Barista stresses the importance of taste and satisfaction for the seriously sick for enjoying the world of coffee espresso coffee even true of the various regions in Indonesia. For example, the menu Origin Coffee coffee such as Gayo, Linthong, Sumatran Dark Roast, or the Red Eye.
Not only coffee and pastry are available at the Coffee Shop, but also several facilities that make you pull the more comfortable coffee. While enjoying the afternoon, you can browse or chat via your laptop with free hotspots. Or sitting relaxed in the main room or a corner sofa while watching movies from Cable TV, which is located near the bar. You will not fritter away free time relaxing at the Coffee Shop, even when you are alone!OPEN HOURS
15:00 - 03.00 WIB
- Espresso, espresso doppio, espresso machiato, espresso Con panna, espresso ristretto, espresso Flesh, Romano espresso, americano, cappuccinos, cappuccinos viennese style, the royal Caramel cappuccinos, chocolaccino, Latte (regular, vanilla, Caramel, etc), and hot cafe mocca
Origin Coffee
- Gayo (from Nanggroe Atjeh), linthong, mandhaeling, West Sumatra Arabica Highland, sumatran dark roast, java village, Wamena (from Papua), mongoose coffee, and red eye
- Caramel Latte ice, espresso Flesh, floating on the "u", hazelnut Latte ice, ice cappuccinos, ice Latte reg, ice straw Latte, Latte vanilla ice, ice moccaccino, irish Latte ice cream, swiss cake, coffee la tjuba, with galvaccino options vary, etc
Fruity Freshy
- Rainbow splash, pink Floyd, avocanno milky, avocanno coffee, strawberry smooties, lime squash, orange squash, banana cream Splitter
Also available for your satisfaction, such as milkshake, tea, cake and pastry & cake, for instance say sandwiches, chicken nugget, french fries, pizza shop's, tiramisu, etc.
- Free Hotspot
- Cable TV
- Cup to Go
- Reservation (via messenger, and SMS)
Jl. Bougenville No. 1 Gejayan Sleman INDONESIA 55281
telp: +62-274-7447450 fax: +62-274-486465
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