Senin, 10 November 2008
The restaurant is a branch of the Restaurant Adem Ayem Solo the first built in this strategically located with the General Sudirman road in Yogyakarta. Only a few minutes to the city center, this restaurant will not escape from the observation that you want to popular area in Yogyakarta, Malioboro.
With the two-storey building, where they offer some food typical of Java, which are presented in a special for you. Gudeg Kendil and various types of rice is a special menu of this restaurant. Sambal goreng krecek is also a specialty restaurant, which most often ordered by the guests who come. Restaurants are also often visited by artists, both local and national this is feasible for you to visit.
This restaurant also offers you the package or without a good meeting with the food package that can simultaneously dilayanai by the restaurant. With seating capacity of 100, this room reprentative for you that will hold a meeting or other similar events.By settling the majestic building, a restaurant that stands on September 29, 2001 also serve delivary service, which facilitate customers who want to order food from home.
- Gudeg Kendil
- Fried chicken
- Rice Liwet
- Rice Rawon
- Rice Langgi
- Rice Opor
09.00 - 22.00 PM
- Room AC
- TV
- Toilet
- Dry Area
- Meeting Room
Take advantage of the facilities additional restaurant that is building a representative who is ready to accommodate your needs will be meeting at a time of food packages.
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 60 Yogyakarta INDONESIA 55225
telp: +62-274-521212 fax: +62-274-521212
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