Sabtu, 08 November 2008
Gudeg Yogyakarta? Of course, is not foreign anymore. Food is typical of many and easily found in every corner of the city Yogyakarta. Food is indeed suitable atmosphere disantap in all, from the menu breakfast, lunch, dinner, to the early days.
Seller of this menu is also very numerous and spread all over Yogyakarta. Commercial vendors from five feet that open in the morning for breakfast supply the needs of citizens Yogyakarta, the menu of high-level famous such Gudeg Wijilan and Gudeg Barek, to a stall in the Lesbian emperan shops close at night and early morning.
From the many gudeg in Yogyakarta, some of them appeared to have unique and distinctive characteristics. One is gudeg pawon. This time, we will try gudeg a very popular and is legendary.
The uniqueness of this gudeg was not located on the Menu, and even be feeling this gudeg Serious white beard that special when compared with similar gudeg-gudeg. However keunikannya location of the place is sold gudeg, namely pawon or in the kitchen.

Seller of this menu is also very numerous and spread all over Yogyakarta. Commercial vendors from five feet that open in the morning for breakfast supply the needs of citizens Yogyakarta, the menu of high-level famous such Gudeg Wijilan and Gudeg Barek, to a stall in the Lesbian emperan shops close at night and early morning.
From the many gudeg in Yogyakarta, some of them appeared to have unique and distinctive characteristics. One is gudeg pawon. This time, we will try gudeg a very popular and is legendary.
The uniqueness of this gudeg was not located on the Menu, and even be feeling this gudeg Serious white beard that special when compared with similar gudeg-gudeg. However keunikannya location of the place is sold gudeg, namely pawon or in the kitchen.

Gudeg shop is not like stalls in general. Because the berjualannya place in the kitchen pawon alias, then we must be sharp to find this place. But this is not difficult, because this place is easily detected, the number of vehicles to use in the future, ranging from motorcycles to cars.
Gudeg this location are on the road Janturan, Glagah, Yogyakarta. From Kusumanegara Road, the junction in front of Toserba Pamela, turn to the south. After passing through the campus and UTY Ahmad Dahlan, you will find a home in front of many vehicle use, in situations Gudeg Pawon are.
Access to the top, will be found without the asbestos roof of a black soot because of the large number of applicants on the palate. The effect is stronger when the kitchen we found the kitchen spices are deliberately placed in the corner.
For those who feel stale when it is in the kitchen, can come out and sit in the chairs provided outside. However, classic feel that is felt when you are not in the kitchen. Gudeg Pawon food is one of the typical early days, because the stall is open every day at 23:30 am until 5 o'clock. But usually before 5 o'clock, gudeg is exhausted. So, for your hunger in the middle of the night or early morning, gudeg is worth a try. Come, I gudeg seller is a seller of mobile gudeg. Because gudeg sold very tasty, many people are not patient waiting for the vendor gudeg this through, so they often come to the kitchen the seller to buy gudeg gudeg directly. This is a habit and inspire Gudeg Pawon. Until now gudeg is still popular, despite this sense of gudeg according to our normal course. Gudeg possibility that the manufacturer is now descended from the mother seller gudeg pioneer gudeg pawon this, so enamored gudeg pawon now not in gudeg pawon antiquity. Gudeg price is also cheap enough, we gudeg order with eggs, the price is only 4,000 rupiah per portion. But the feel of classic obtained when partake gudeg this is the value of this gudeg. Conclusion Location: easy to reach, albeit somewhat hidden, but the bertata kitchen space tempo doeloe provide a classic feel special and not both of them OKRA: normal, there is no special Price: cheap |
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